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Are you thinking of selling your home or interested in learning about home prices in your neighborhood? We can help you.
JP Fluellen, an Army Veteran, has lived in Cheyenne since 2007 and grew up in Grand Forks, North Dakota. He served in the Army National Guard from 1994-2007 with one tour in Iraq. He is a married father of 4 wonderful children. JP became a licensed real estate agent in 2010 after being a real estate investor for 2 years. He’s been a top real estate agent at Coldwell Banker The Property Exchange and has recently started the Titan Real Estate Team at eXp Realty. He has sold over 400 houses in the Cheyenne Market and also wrote a book called the Real Estate Brain to be released in 2019. JP started his own podcast in 2011 called The Wire and a Facebook live podcast called Success Agents at the beginning of 2019. He was in Cheyenne’s premier bands “6 Grand” for 7 years. JP Fluellen also uses the latest Internet marketing tools including video, 3D, and AI.
JP Fluellen
Titan Real Estate Team
109 E. 17th St. Cheyenne WY 82001