Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Rising Rates

  • Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Rising Rates

    Why I believe people don’t need to be so concerned about interest rates.

Don’t Be Surprised by Closing Costs

  • Don’t Be Surprised by Closing Costs

    Here are the top 20 closing costs you should know about.

Find the Right Home and Marry It

  • Find the Right Home and Marry It

    Explaining how marrying, dating, and divorcing relate to real estate

Are Solar Panels a Waste of Money?

  • Are Solar Panels a Waste of Money?

    Solar panels are nice, but they won’t add value to your home.

Saving Money on Your Next Home Purchase

  • Saving Money on Your Next Home Purchase

    Why the state of the market can make homes much more affordable.

What the August Numbers Say About Our Market

  • What the August Numbers Say About Our Market

    What the August numbers say about our Cheyenne real estate market.