Discover why relying on personal savings won’t scale your real estate investments, and how leveraging other people’s money is the key to faster growth.

Are you stuck in the cycle of saving every penny, thinking that’s the only way to get ahead in real estate? Let me tell you right now that saving alone won’t make you rich! If you want to grow and scale in real estate, you need to get out of your own way and start using other people’s money.

The problem with saving. Most of us are taught that saving is the path to wealth. You’ve probably heard advice from financial experts like Dave Ramsey—live debt-free, save, save, save, and eventually, you’ll have a nice, comfortable life. Sounds great, right? But here’s the catch: that’s not how the wealthy build their fortunes.

You can only save so much from your paycheck. Your personal efforts will only take you so far, and eventually, you’ll hit a limit. You’ll never grow beyond your own efforts. That’s where leverage comes in.

The secret to real estate success: leverage. To scale in real estate, you have to think bigger. You can’t just rely on your own savings. The real secret to massive success is leverage—using other people’s money to fund your deals. Successful investors like Robert Kiyosaki and Grant Cardone didn’t save their way to wealth. They used other people’s money (OPM) to fund their deals and grow their portfolios.

“The only way to go big in real estate is by using other people’s money. ”

This isn’t just about borrowing from the bank. It’s about raising money from friends, family, or investors who want to be a part of your success. When you leverage OPM, you don’t risk your own savings, and you can scale faster.

How do you actually use leverage in real estate? The first step is to find a good deal. Once you’ve got that, it’s time to raise the funds. You don’t have to do it alone. Reach out to people in your circle, from friends to investors, and pitch your deal. Maybe you’ll need a few people to contribute.

Then, you underwrite the deal to manage the risk. That means you do your homework, make sure the numbers add up, and make sure you’ll be able to pay back your investors. When the deal closes, you get your profits, and your investors get their returns.

If you’re stuck in the “save and hope for the best” mindset, you’re never going to hit those big goals. You have to use the power of leverage. Use banks, private investors, home equity lines of credit, or whatever it takes to get the funds you need. The only way to go big in real estate is by using other people’s money.

Do you want to scale your real estate investments and make a bigger impact? You can call or text me 307-772-1184 at or email me at I can show you exactly how to leverage other people’s money to start building your wealth without risking your own savings.